编写 USDC 智能合约

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USDC 智能合约

首先,导航到 sources/usdc.move 并开始编写以下代码:


fn main() {
module dex::usdc {
  use std::option;

  use sui::url;
  use sui::transfer;
  use sui::coin;
  use sui::tx_context::{Self, TxContext};

接下来,我们将定义名为 USDC 的结构。它是创造电流的一次性见证者。它具有掉落能力,因此无法转移或存储。

fn main() {
public struct USDC has drop {}

然后,我们创建一个 init 函数,该函数在创建模块时运行一次,并接受一次性 witness 作为第一个参数。

我们创建了一个具有 1 种能力的 witness 结构体, drop ,它保证整个网络中只有一个,因为你只能在 init 中获取它功能。

init 函数内,我们调用 create_currency 。创建货币需要一次性 witness 以确保它是唯一的硬币,并且只有 TreasuryCap 的持有者才被允许铸造和销毁该硬币。

fn main() {
fun init(witness: USDC, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
      let (treasury_cap, metadata) = coin::create_currency<USDC>(
            witness, // One time witness
            9, // Decimals of the coin
            b"USDC", // Symbol of the coin
            b"USDC Coin", // Name of the coin
            b"A stable coin issued by Circle", // Description of the coin
            option::some(url::new_unsafe_from_bytes(b"https://s3.coinmarketcap.com/static-gravity/image/5a8229787b5e4c809b5914eef709b59a.png")), // An image of the Coin

      // We send the treasury capability to the deployer
      transfer::public_transfer(treasury_cap, tx_context::sender(ctx));
      // Objects defined in different modules need to use the public_ transfer functions


fn main() {
// ** Test Functions

  public fun init_for_testing(ctx: &mut TxContext) {
    init(USDC {}, ctx);



module dex::usdc {
  use std::option;

  use sui::url;
  use sui::transfer;
  use sui::coin;
  use sui::tx_context::{Self, TxContext};

  // ** Structs

  // One Time Witness to create a Current in Sui
  // This struct has the drop ability so it cannot be transferred nor stored. 
  // It allows the Network to know it is a unique type

  public struct USDC has drop {}

  // The init function runs once on Module creation and accepts a one-time witness as the first argument
  // Witness is a struct with 1 ability, drop, it guarantees that there is only one in the entire network as you can only get it in the init function
fun init(witness: USDC, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
      // We call the create_currency
      // Creating a currency requires a one-time witness to ensure it is a unique coin
      // Only the holder of the TreasuryCap is allowed to mint and burn this coin
      // Metadata holds all the information about the coin, so other applications query it
			let (treasury_cap, metadata) = coin::create_currency<USDC>(
            witness, // One time witness
            9, // Decimals of the coin
            b"USDC", // Symbol of the coin
            b"USDC Coin", // Name of the coin
            b"A stable coin issued by Circle", // Description of the coin
            option::some(url::new_unsafe_from_bytes(b"https://s3.coinmarketcap.com/static-gravity/image/5a8229787b5e4c809b5914eef709b59a.png")), // An image of the Coin

      // We send the treasury capability to the deployer

      transfer::public_transfer(treasury_cap, tx_context::sender(ctx));

      // Objects defined in different modules need to use the public_ transfer functions

  // ** Test Functions

  public fun init_for_testing(ctx: &mut TxContext) {
    init(USDC {}, ctx);


USDC 合约将帮助我们创建并用 USDC 代币填充我们的余额。这样我们就可以轻松地将USDC币兑换成ETH或者ETH兑换USDC币。接下来,我们将实现 Dex 智能合约,它将帮助我们交换 ETH 和 USDC 硬币并记录我们的代币余额。

